I woke in the night and peered through my tired eyes to the clock on the dresser that read 2:08 am.
Too early to slip out of bed.
Go back to sleep.
Sleep won't come.
Must be love.
I view the clock again. I can't believe how little the time has passed since my last glance. Am I happy or in despair? I need sleep to come but the newness of these feelings won't let sleep come. I need rest and peace more than sleep. Perhaps I can find that while laying here and peering though the window and being a part of the night sights and sounds.
There we were, walking side by side, in step, to the closed but waiting door. What was inside, was for us. It was our world.
With your hand on the door knob and my hand on yours, we opened the door.
Once inside we found a dimly lit room laden with fragrant candles. There were lace covered shelves lined with small beautifully crafted wooden boxes. We moved without speaking, side by side, in step with one another to each box. A memory was held inside each box from our past together. We shared our delight through body language - our smiles and a gentle squeezing of our hands that sent calmness and peace through our bodies.
Quiet music played that seemed to keep time with the beating of our hearts.
There were familiar scents - of you - of me.
We continued to make our way to each box, opening them with care, allowing the memories to flow into our minds and back into our hearts to remain forever.
We reached the last box. It was larger than the others. The crafting was different. We knew it was special. With our hands gently gripping the lid of the box, we closed our eyes as we released what was inside. The sound of a thousand butterfly wings filled the room. Butterflies of all colors and sizes, some spreading their wings for the first time in flight. We opened our eyes and raised up our arms as the new creations encompassed the room. Their wings lightly brushing against the skin of our faces and outstretched arms. This was a symbol of our new life, our new creation, our new joys.
The butterflies landed, their wings slightly folding in and out, all as if at attention watching us, waiting for us to complete our task.
On a shelf of its own was an exquisite open crystal container. We walked over and gazed inside. We felt nothing like we had with the carved wooden boxes. What was this for? Had we gone too far? Had we ventured too fast? What had we missed?
The butterflies remained quiet and still, but observed.
With nothing but time and a desire to know, we both cupped the crystal container and held it between us. Short bursts of dark clouds took form from our hearts, filling the crystal container. They were the bad memories, the hurts and pain from our past together to be rid of forever but with the crystal we can peer inside to remember. Forgiveness came but never forget. Forgetting can lead to repeating of the painful past then heart and life will crumble to dust.
When it was filled and the pain released, the heat of our deep passionate love was fanned when the butterflies once again took flight. The burning heat sealed the crystal over as we laid it to rest back in it's place.
Sunrise had come. The window flew open. The butterflies flew into the morning sky.
The clock read 4:32. I close my eyes to feel the touch of your hand on my cheek and your lips on mine.
Good morning love.
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