I went to meet a friend the other day at a place I don't go to often but had been there enough times to remember my way. I got there fine which for me is a milestone. On the way home it was a different experience. I was distracted by the excitement of the day, knowing I was leaving later than I had anticipated, it was hot :(, I still had to make a stop on my way home etc etc etc.
That is my excuse and all that I have in a way of excuses so don't look for more :)
I was in the wrong lane when it was time to get on the highway and got on going in the wrong direction.
Why could it not have been when it was more convenient? When I had more time on my hands and could afford to be a wee bit lost.
What do I do?
Can't txt anyone, that would not be safe to do while I am driving...or do I???
I could call someone on my cell phone but if I don't know where I am how do I convey that over the phone?
Silly lady - I guess my son David is right and I should join Old Lady Anonymous.
I took an exit. Not sure where it would take me but the view down the highway I was on was nothing but road and more road for miles and miles and miles and miles and miles. oh ya.....
I pulled over and sent a txt to a friend. This was their response....
'as long as you are on the highway'.....
I wanted a full page report. I wanted my car lifted up and put on the right highway, preferably in my driveway at that moment, not r e a l i t y.
That was it. I knew I was on my own. Ok Lord, you know the situation and you most certainly know me. I have heard you giggle and sigh when we chat - so it is true, you clearly know me. I am not going to talk or fret for the rest of this trip Lord. I am going to get back on the highway and let You take over. I will listen and allow You to guide my hands, my turns and exits and most importantly, my thinking.
And Lord, could I have my calmness back please?
Oh, You were with me all along?
Oh, I had my calmness all along
bummer, guess I forgot.... a g a i n
P.S. Live lesson - God knows how to bring us back to Him when we are lost. We just have to follow the signs.
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