I, being of an almost sound mind, have a plan, a path I am taking with this short story. I'm unsure of your state of mind. Are you feeling patient? You could move on to the next story. But, since you've come this far with me, why not stick it out for a few hundred more words?
If you have followed my stories up to now, you are aware that the tractor mower is one of my escape vessels. The machine is too loud to hear my sons calling my name. giggle Unless I see blood I don't stop. 99% of the time they want to ask me to make them a sandwich, have I seen their favorite shirt or some other trivial but to them, urgent matter. Then I have to wonder where I failed in the training up portion of motherhood. My sons are teenagers, maybe that explains it all for you.
However, the mower has some how befriended the wild evergreen berry bushes. They grow in random fashion along the edges of the grassy area that borders my home.
I, the mower princess, ride along the edge for a nice manicured look. So you can see I had good intentions. If you know anything about evergreen berry bushes, you know they grow rapidly and they are covered in thorns. There I was,focused on what I was doing - in 'the zone' - when suddenly I am feeling a pull on my leg. As I continue mowing along, ( I know, a more sound mind person would have checked it out but remember, I was in the zone ~~ I now feel the same pull with the addition of pain on my arm.
I do what you would do. I put on the brake. I look down and see a rambling berry vine has trapped me, hooking thorns into one leg and arm which now are bleeding.
Oh joy of joys
Did I ask for this? Was I asking for this by my too 'in the zone' attitude?
I ever so carefully grabbed the only thornless area on the vine, held my breath and pulled. I had escaped the thorns. Sure I was left with the sting and several blood spots where the thorns made their entrance. I no longer had trust in my tractor mower! I am sure it is in cahoots with the berry bushes...hmmm
My mind, being mine and not yours, ~yes you can thank Jesus for that ~ moved on to life moments of thorns and escapes. I for one, am glad that Jesus lives and no matter how many thorns enter my life, no matter if I bring them on myself or they enter for other purposes for my well being, I will escape, this too shall pass and I do not walk alone.
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